Sci-Fi Eye Chart

This proved to be a popular way to spend a friday afternoon.

[via the bite]


Here are some possible answers:

1. Star Wars
2. Blade Runner
3. Gears of War
4. Clockwork Orange
5. Battlestar Galactica
6. Tron
7. Terminator
8. Quantum Leap
9. Predators
10. Planet of the Apes
11. Resident Evil
12. Avatar
13. Matrix
14. Transformers
15. Halo
16. Hellboy
17. Star Trek
18. Wolverine
19. Thundercats
20. Jurassic Park
21. Independence Day
22. Metal Gear Solid
23. Futurama
25. TMNT
26. Stargate Atlantis
27. Voltron
28. Metropolis
29. Buckaroo Bonzai
30. Airwolf
31. E.T.
32. Robocop
33. Close Encounters of the Third Kind
34. Pac-Man
35. Buffy
36. Serenity

I still think 29 is the subscript Back to the Future ‘B’