Senaca thinks we’re stupid!

I'm with the Stupid network
I found this interesting article on the SMH. I had been thinking that more and more internet is not necessarily better (Full disclosure: I am a big consumer). I was taken, a while back, when my reading speed accelerated, so that I was reading decent sized books in a few days, the only problem was, I had diligently consumed the words, but the nuance of the story was completely lost on me.

There are many things in the article I can’t even attempt to compete against.  The closest I get to being non-internet ready is when I go out for a decent cycle on my bike (is there any other kind? Yes!), man I feel significantly creative by the end of it, I just don’t know who is topping google trends at that very moment, so it is a dual edge sword.

You know an article like this is cool when it quotes the Roman philosopher Senaca :

”To be everywhere is to be nowhere.”


This may sound like a joke, and that is my style, but it did take me at least three separate attempts to finsh the article (sadly true)