Soviet revisionism for every one

How many time have you been out taking photographs and the perfect shot gets ruined by by people walking into frame or there is an unfortunately placed building in garish pink. Well now we can all have the ability to retouch pictures in a manner previously reserved for communist dictators with out the need to be some kind of photoshop guru. Slashdot is reporting a research paper released from Carnegie Mellon demonstrating how to replace arbitrarily shaped blank areas in an image with portions of images from a huge catalog in a totally seamless manner.

There is a paper (pdf) on their page that shows some good examples of the process, but it will remain to see if it can be deployed successfully. There is an excellent tool for stitching images, autostitch, that stitches image using spherical perspective rather than 2D stitching. I have used it to put together many panoramic images, but there are times when it can’t put two pictures that were taken side by side together. The scope planned by the Carnegie Mellon guys seems to be orders of magnitude bigger. At the very least the bigger there database if images getting the longer it will trawl to find the correct match.

However I can’t wait for it to come out that are some dissidents spoiling old birthday photographs of mine…

Dynamic mp3 pricing – Good idea, wrong way

A strange entry on slashdot today with a company,, announcing a partner ship which Amazon where they want to introduce a demand based pricing model. They are proposing that the price of an mp3 goes up the more popular it is, to a capped value of $0.98. This on the face of it is an interesting concept.

However those of us that lived through the first internet bubble might recognise this as the nonsense that pervaded before the bust ( was my favourite loser). Surprisingly enough this model exists already in different operator sectors. Some toll operators of tunnels and roads will change at different parts of the day. This however is not to generate revenue (though a lot of them are in the business to do this), it is also to act as a deterrent and give people an added incentive to avoid the tolled section unless you really have to.

Secondly this deterrent is required due to the physical nature of the non digital world. It is more preferable to find ways for people to use the resources more efficiently that to build new roads or power stations. I grew up in the Ireland, the ESB (the national electrical supply board) were always putting out ads for energy saving lagging jackets and power saving heaters. Why would a power company go out of its way to help you use less electricity (and thus save you money)? It’s simple when it is that or build a brand new power station, they ain’t cheap!

The digital world is not as constrained. A few years ago you may want to deter the download of a popular song because you server and/or bandwidth couldn’t keep up. This has pretty much been resolved, the rise of Flickr and YouTube are example of this.

However I think that there may be something in dynamic pricing, but the opposite of what are suggesting, the more popular the song the cheaper it gets. You start at $0.50 and the price decreases at $0.05 at sales increase you decrease it on some logarithmic scale. $0.05 decrease after the first 100 sales, then another $0.05 after a 1000, and so on.

That means the is stil a premium for music that exists in the long tail, which is reasonable it does cost money at some point to track it down, rip it, host it and make it available. If Amazon want to enter into a pricing deal with me, given me a call.

Hoverboard by 2015?

It is a common joke that the future predicted when we were young is not the present we currently live in. A lot of people are very agrieved that there are no flying cars or colonies on the moon. Well you can keep all that, the greatest abuse of my childhood dreams is that the Hoverboard has not yet been invented. Seen in Back to the Future II as a levitating skateboard. Robert Zemeckis toyed with my innocence at the time by saying they really existed, but had been band by parent groups, however they were lucky enough to get their hands on some.

I was to find out later that he was lying, all for the purpose of a joke, and there is no such thing as a hoverboard and a little piece of me died that day. However there may be hope yet, to Zemeckis credit there is still 8 years until 2015 (When Back to the Future is set and where we find the hoverboards) which means there is still time (no pun intended). That and the fact that scientists have announced that they have reversed the Casimir effect, so that it repels instead of attracts. The Casimir effect in attraction mode is supposed to the technique that geckos stick to glass or ceilings.

Already they have announced that this discovery could lead to frictionless micro-machines with moving parts that levitate. Why have Physicists such small vision? They should halt that work and start developing the hoverboard. As a personal message to any Physicists reading this, you have teased us with such fanciful futures now is you chance to prove it. That and it could be the “Tickle me Elmo” of 2015, think about it!

Dog renting in Sydney

I suppose it was only a matter of time before dog renting came to Sydney. An American company Flexpetz wants to start pet renting

In the US, members pay US$24.95 ($29) to hire a dog on weekdays and US$39.95 on weekends. Membership fees include an annual fee of $US99.95 and monthly fees of $US49.95.

Those foolish enough to sign up for this service probably deserve to be ripped off. However owning a dog in an apartment in Sydney is not a viable option in a lot of cases. There is an alternative for dogless Sydney-siders.

Doggie Rescue is a registered NO-Kill animal rescue charity, but receives no government funding. It is committed to rescuing neglected, abused and abandoned dogs from the death rows of Sydney pounds and finding them loving homes.

They also require people to help out with the dogs that they have in their care. This includes people to take out and walk the dogs they have. Listed on their website are the volunteer options :

“Pop in to Ingleside from 10am – 4pm Tuesday to Sunday, Drummoyne from 10am – 4pm Saturday to Sunday, or PetBarn at Alexandria on Saturdays only from 10am.”

A company like Flexpetz shouldn’t even be given the option to start a viable business when there is a free service available that will not only make you feel better but help out as well. If you live in Sydney and know of any body interested in dog walking pass on the details.

The black lung returns

It looks like the black lung is making a resurgence with the announcement today that office printers are bad for you. It turns out all those fumes that get thrown out and give you that mid afternoon high isn’t all the fun and games originally thought. These same printers throw out microscopic ultra-fine particle :

“Ultra-fine particles are of most concern because they can penetrate deep into the lungs where they can pose a significant health threat,”

As a result of this announcement printers are banned from all work places and pubs, they can only be used, outside, 10 metres from the premises. Disney also announced that it will no longer depict people in their movies using printers, with Miramax also committing to to curbing the use of printing to Tarantino films, last used to great effect during the crazy 88 fight in Kill Bill.

iPhone working in Australia

The Sydney Morning Herald is today reporting that the iPhone has been hacked to work on the Telstra network. While this is not a full hack, it can only make calls. It cannot receive calls or send and receive SMS messages.

The hack was reported over the weekend by a user called ozbimmer over on the hackint0sh forum board, link. There was a video posted on YouTube demonstrating the hack, however it has since been pulled by the user.

The hack is not an easy one and it require the user to trick out a AT&T SIM card so that it registers with the Telstra network. Not a task that comes easy to most users but hopefully the first step towards and more user friendly hack.

It may seem strange that Australia is the place where this hack might originate from. However with no release date for the iPhone confirmed in Australia, though 2008 has been mentioned, and the fact that it took over four and a half years for the iTunes store to open it’s virtual doors in Australia I guess ozbimmer wasn’t willing to wait.

It is also some what ironic that Telstra was the network that was hacked, in Feburary of this year Telstra’s operating chief, Greg Winn, was reported in the media of not being impressed with the iPhone, his opinion was summed up with this statement :

“There’s an old saying – stick to your knitting – and Apple is not a mobile phone manufacturer, that’s not their knitting”

Apparently Telstra is the only mobile phone that is currently running the EDGE network, which the iPhone is designed to use and not the more advanced 3G network which Telstra’s competitors, Vodafone, Optus and 3 are already using.

As quoted by CNN

I found a comment I made over on Ed Felten‘s Freedom to Tinker blog about the recent iPhone release been quoted by CNN link. My orignal post has been edited a little bit but I guessing that they at least they there there was some merit in my original comment :

I think that the iPhone will be the game changer that it has been touted as, but it may not necessarily be the winner (Apple isn’t always successful, the newton any one?). If some company comes along with a device that matches the iPhone but doesn’t demand a contract lock in, they could charge ahead and gobble up all the people who are interested in the iPhone but are not Mac zealots enough to accept the current situation.

I don’t know if that now makes me an authority, but it is good to know that know that some one out there is paying attention.

Original Freedom to tinker article.

For the record I recently acquired a Nokia N95 (unfortunately I had to buy it, I did try and drop a few hints around the internet and hoping that Santy or Nokia would hear it, but alas no). I’m still getting a feel for it but there is huge power here already but not as sexy as the iPhone. Nokia have a history of stylish design in the past and they may be able to churn out a iPhone killer.

From Darla Mack Blog :

This is not a paid endorsement from Nokia, however I am interested in any future devices you might produce, give me a call.

To Apple I still can’t wait to get an iPhone in my hand so all is not lost yet, also give me a call.

And finally to CNN I am a noisy windbag that pretty much has an opinion on any thing so feel free to quote me again in the future, you know where I am.

Raw Athleticism – Packaged as Hee Haw

I have been to Cirque du Soelil twice and both times was very impressed with what I say. The most recent one, Varekai, made good use of a contortionists, who was very flexible.

I came across this YouTube video today of three girls that start singing about potato salad and then move into an amazing contortionist routine. By way of Boing Boing by way of For your Entertainment.

While it would be easy and snarky to come up with some crude innuendo about how flexible the girls are blah blah blah. That I think belittles the extreme level of athleticism these girls must have been at and the time it had taken to get that good. I just have to say that I have never seen something as amazing as this, Cirque du Soleil included. Once you get past the singing, about a minute in, the fun begins.

Update : Apparently this is the girls are known as the Ross Sisters and this was in the 1944 movie Broadway Rhythm.

Polar Rose – Web Stalking 2.0

Web stalking, until now the purvue of clammy skinned, online geeks, is soon to get an web 2.0 upgrade. Polar rose, a startup company that is based in Sweden, have announced that they are entering the new phase of development and are preparing to unleash version 0.18 of their plugin for Firefox. For those that are not aware of this tool Polar Rose how to deploy a face scanning technology where they can link faces found all over the internet. While, to be fair, on their web site that they are working towards preserving the privacy of people who do not wish to be found. It is hard to imagine how to re-bottle this genie once it gets out and into the hands of less magnanimous people.

While there are probably many nefarious things that could happen. It will make taking a mental health day a little more demanding as you have to make sure you don’t have your picture taken and uploaded while your supposed to be laid up in bed. Already in a constantly connected world this is happening. In March of this year, 6 New Zealander students were busted in their school uniform at the Boobs on Bikes parade when they were supposed to be on their lunch break. They were lucky to only end up with detention when there photgraph was beamed around the world.

For now I am getting a robots.txt tattoo on my forehead and hope that works.