County Bondi

I have been a resident of Sydney’s world famous Bondi Beach for nearly 7 years, never had any problems with paddies or being a paddy which is why I was surprised to find a dodgy write up in an Irish paper about all the comings and going of my country men (and women).

It has been my experience that every one loves the Irish and our accent, even if they find it impenetrable, I always have to keep a look for the glazed look and I know I’ve lost some one, that is when it is time to speak a little slower.

Dara O’Briain in the Indo

There is an interesting article in the Irish Independent profiling Irish comedian Dara O’Briain, who has got a book out called “Tickling The English”. Dara has made a name for himself in the UK usually working off the differences he sees being Irish, not a bad technique, I might that a go myself.


In a World!

I watched Jerry Seinfelds excellent documentary, Comedian, today.  Released in 2002 it follows him around as he tries to get back into the standup scene following finishing his TV show.  The interesting aspect is that he refused to use any of his old material and created a 50 minute set of brand new material, good watch, check it out.

However the best thing about the movie is the trailer, it is not in the movie, it follows a voice over artist trying to get the trailer done, brilliant. In a world…

Just calm down

There has been a lot going on in the media here in Australia since the infamous black face routine on the revived Hey Hey it’s Saturday (shown on Wednesday mind)


There was a lot of belly aching going opn about it, first with Harry Connick Jr who walked out on the show and then from all around the world.  I think that people need to clam down and realise that it was a joke and maybe view it that way.  The whole world has gotten far too PC and sometimes I think that we are almost afraid to laugh at our selves, just relax and take a chill pill!

However, as am Irish person, I was offend to see that Elana Burenina had one of her models go freckle face in a recent cat walk, please check it out.

freckle face

I cannot articulate the disgust I feel. After all the years of us trying not to look like buffoons, I’ve worked hard to get where I am today, all those years working in the potato mines in Carrigfergus yearning to be respected and we still have to endure this.  I suffered with the starch lung for this!  I ask any one who has dealing with Elena to boycott her shows and clothing and carry the message to the world that this is no longer acceptable! Thanks you.

Money Bomb

Soviet Revolutionaries, originally uploaded by Dunechaser.

There is an interesting piece over at the New York Magazine from a guy that work on the software that helped plough Wall St., and the rest of the financial planet into the ground.

There’s nothing inherently flawed about securitization. Done correctly and conservatively, it increases the efficiency with which banks can loan money and tailor risks to the needs of investors.

It kinda reminds me of Homer Simpson :

Marge: I really think this is a bad idea.
Homer: Marge, I agree with you — in theory. In theory, communism
works. In theory.
— Pros and cons of keeping the elephant, “Bart Gets an Elephant”

Expanded here.


Alan Partridge is dead

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Alan Partridge is dead, originally uploaded by cloudsoup.

I went to see Steve Coogan live on Friday night. While it is great to see some one you loved perform, I was left a little deflated when it was all over. The SMH seems to agree with my assessment that the performance was less than stellar. My feeling is that he has spent the last 10 years as a million dollar actor he has lost the connection with the source of his characters. Paul Calf has always been gruff and uncouth, but it now felt like Coogan was doing and impersonation of some one else doing the character, and not very well. However his Portuguese crooner character Tony Ferrino, which I hadn’t seen much of in the past was very successful.

Cycling in Sydney

There is an interesting piece in the Sydney Morning Herald this morning describing the frustration of cycling around Sydney. I haven’t cycled every where that they describe but it does capture quite accurately my experiences around the city. Half assed cycle lanes with bad approaches. In many cases it is little more than painting a white line the the centre of a pedestrian footpath. It is usually on the outside which unsurprisingly the same place people leave their bins on collection day. Sydney is not an enjoyable city to cycle.